Top 10 Easy-to-Grow Flowers for Beginners - Blog

Top 10 Easy-to-Grow Flowers for Beginners

By Chris Edmunds

These 10 easy-to-grow flowers will keep your yard looking colorful and beautiful all summer long.
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If you're new to gardening, you can still have a yard full of beautiful flowers; it's easier than you think. There are plenty of incredible flowers that will bloom steadily for months on end and require very little maintenance. A quick tip to remember is that annual flowers live one year but bloom continuously while alive, whereas perennials live for many years but have shorter flowering periods. We have compiled a few of each to help you get growing.

Here are 10 of the easiest flowers to grow for beginners:

With these easy-care, long-blooming flowers, you'll be able to keep your yard looking great all summer long, even as a beginner gardener. Stop by one of our seasonal locations to pick up some of the beauties on this list. 




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