Fertilizing Beds & Containers - Blog

Fertilizing Beds & Containers

By Chris Edmunds

Fertilizing has to be done – without it your plants will not look nearly as good.
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“Love is fertilizer for the soul.”
– Khang Kijarro Nguyen


Fertilizing has to be done – without it your plants will not look nearly as good.  But the good news is, it doesn’t have to be complicated. Here’s our simple program, step by step.

  1. Use KVG GOOD STUFF controlled release fertilizer. It’s specially formulated for your area and engineered to release more nutrients as the weather warms and your plants grow.  goodstuff.jpg

    On new plantings in sun, work the controlled-release fertilizer into the soil according to package instructions plus 50% more.  For existing plants, you can use a broomstick to poke several holes a few inches from the plant and 3” - 6” deep and add 1/2 to one teaspoon in each hole.

    On plantings in shade, use the rate recommended on the label.

  2. Use KVG GOOD STUFF water soluble according to the label instructions every two weeks for plants in sun. Shade plants need water soluble every 4 weeks.

  3. When the temperatures are forecast to be 93 degrees or higher, discontinue the water-soluble fertilizer. Plants cannot uptake nutrients as efficiently at higher temperatures, and the excess could build up to toxic levels.  Resume when temperatures drop below 93 degrees.

  4. Use only high-quality blended fertilizers formulated for our area.  Beware national brands or brands that may use inferior ingredients and technology.



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